Beauty Technology Demystified for Salon Owners
When it comes to beauty technology, choices are widening daily. If you attend any of the beauty shows, it’s hard not to be charmed by the incredible claims and the impressive science.
When it comes to beauty technology, choices are widening daily. If you attend any of the beauty shows, it’s hard not to be charmed by the incredible claims and the impressive science.
As a busy salon owner/manager, you’ll be more than aware of the time, energy and effort that goes into finding new clients. The pressure to keep appointments filled, and conjuring up a constant stream of marketing ideas to attract new clients can steal huge chunks of your precious time.
Read more “Customer Retention & Loyalty – 6 Simple Strategies to Keep Them Coming Back for More…”
What’s the story behind the new wave of 3-free, 5-free, 7-free and 9-free nail polish? Do they offer a benefit or are we being drowned in hype?
Mindfulness is everywhere these days. There are numerous places you can learn it and Ariana Huffington is a big fan along with scores of celebrities from Goldie Hawn to Ruby Wax.
Is mindfulness in your salon or in your life?
Facial oil serum is the darling of the beauty world… but what’s actually dripping out of the pipette onto our skin?
By Clare Jones, ITEC Certified Aromatherapist